March 20, 2013
Russell Ball

Wifi Access in South Africa

Many of Hotwireless customers travel to South Africa from overseas and have concerns about WiFi access in South Africa.

Fear not … although our bandwidth is lacking speed there is access to free/cheap wireless networks across the country.

Visitors to South Africa are often rightly concerned in advance about whether to expect the WiFi access wherever they go.

In South Africa, this type of constant access to the Internet through Wi-Fi, 4G and broadband is more possible than in much of the rest of Africa.

As long as you stay in major cities, WiFi is available to most visitors.

Most hotels will offer WiFi access to guests – although bandwidth levels may diminish greatly when you leave the major metropolitan areas of Jo’Burg and Cape Town.

Often while traveling through South Africa you will find yourself at the mercy of a hotel/guest house owner’s pricing policy, however rarely will you feel like you will have had little value for money.

In urban areas WiFi access is most readily available at malls & shopping centers. Most often you will be offered a free allowance of data to browse your emails, after which you will be charged for data at a reasonable cost per Mb.

All WiFi access points that we install across South Africa are priced according to the policies of the facility owner. It is worth remembering that data usage is not cheap for a guest house owner and a free connection online for the duration of your stay is a large upside for an infrequent traveller.

Wifi Access in South Africa has progressed rapidly over the last three years and the increasing availability of mobile bandwidth means that you are never far away from family and friends.

Once we have the full advantages of 5g data access across our country customers will benefit further.

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